
9 x 12

Odysseus and the Lotus Eaters

11 x 14

Rhea Crying for her Children because they are Gone

14 x 18

The Bacchae

14 x 18

Oedipus and the Sphinx

12 x 16

Scylla and Charybdis

11x14 on canvas board


12 x 16

Chronos Devouring His Children

14 x 18

Perseus with the Head of Medusa

12 x 16


12 x 16

Atlas Weighs His Options

12 x 16

Birth of Venus (Blue)

14 x 18


14 x 18

Empedocles Throws Himself Into a Volcano so People Will Think He is a God

12 x 16


14 x 18

Death of Socrates

12 x 16

Birth of Venus (Scorpio season)

16 x 20

Kermit and Robert in the Agora

14 x 18

Patroclus Consoles Achilles

16 x 20

The Annunciation

16 x 20

Agamemnon in the Bath

14 x 18

Galatea’s Triumph

14 x 18

Leda and the Swan

16 x 20


18 x 24

Achilles Mopes by his Black-sided Ships

18 x 24

Birth of Venus (Pink)

18 x 24

Judgement of Paris

18 x 24

Achilles Dragging Hector’s Body

24 x 30

Sisyphus (Blueprint Blue)

24 x 30

Chronos Devours a Stone

24 x 30

Apollo and the Muses

16 x 20

Hercules and the Golden Apple

18 x 24


24 x 18

Achilles Mopes by His Ships

18 x 24

Odysseus Tells his Tale at Dinner

18 x 24


11 x 14


11 x 14


24 x 18

King Midas II

24 x 18

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