“Paintings III” (2024)
Robert Leib
acrylic and oil pastels on canvas
“Paintings II” (2023-24)
Robert Leib
acrylic paint on canvas
“Paintings I” (2023)
Robert Leib
acrylic paint on canvas
“Dall-E does Robert” (2022-23)
AI renditions of Artworks by Leib
Dall-E 2
“Hive Minds” (2023)
Robert Leib
ai processes and digital collage
“Go Your Own Way Across the Uncanny Valley” (2023)
Robert Leib
Dall-E 2
“Three’s the Magic Number” (2023)
Lauren Guilmette & Robert Leib
photography/nature morte
“Outpaintings” (2022)
Robert Leib
text to image digital art
“Sophie Kermit with Robert the Philosopher Throughout History” (2022)
Robert Leib x Dall-E
text to image/digital art
“Envisions” (2020-2022)
Robert Leib
photography/collage/neural style transfer
“Spring!” (2022)
Robert Leib
photography/neural style transfer
“Rodin’s Galatea” (2022)
Robert Leib
photography/neural style transfer/mixed media
“Swiss Flowers & Japanese Candy” (2021)
Robert Leib
archival photographs/neural style transfer
“AI Memes” (2021)
Robert Leib
“My First Rodeo” (2021)
Robert Leib
photography/neural style transfer
“Earthly Delights” (2021)
Robert Leib
collage/neural style transfer
“Photographing with the Muses” (2020)
Lauren Guilmette and Robert Leib
photography/neural style transfer
“Italia Forma Dreamin’” (2019-20)
Robert Leib and Lauren Guilmette
photography/neural style transfer
"Works" (2017-18)
Lauren Guilmette
polymer transfer/collage/acrylic/marker
"Works" (2017-18)
Robert Leib
polymer transfer/acetone transfer/collage
"Eclipse" (21.08.17)
Lauren Guilmette and Robert Leib
collage/eclipse light
"Works" (2016-17)
Lauren Guilmette and Robert Leib
photo transfer/collage/acrylic/polymer transfer/mixed media
"Affect Archive" (2017)
Lauren Guilmette
collage/polymer transfer/acrylic
"Triptychs: Altarpieces for a Future American Religion" (2017)
Robert Leib
collage/polymer transfer/acrylic
"Anxiety" (2016)
Robert Leib and Lauren Guilmette
"Expressive Conduct" (2016)
Robert Leib and Lauren Guilmette
social media/practice
"Touch/Restraint" (2016)
Emily Andrews
pen/acrylic/mixed media
"Askesis" (2016)
Lauren Guilmette and Robert Leib
"Error" (2016)
Lauren Guilmette and Robert Leib
photography/drypoint print/photo transfer/collage
"Zoom" (2010-11)
Andres Zuniga
artist's book, collage, prose/poetry
"The Doctrine of Signatures" (2015)
Robert Leib
"Duree" (2014)
Robert Leib
"Glamour Animals" (2013)
Robert Leib
All works © their authors, 2013-2024